Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent Computing (SAIC-2022), October 04 - 07, Kyiv


IEEEUkraineThe IEEE International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent Computing (SAIC-2022) is an peer-reviewed international conference focusing on research advances and business/academic applications.

IEEE SAIC-2022 will be held in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine from October 04 to October 07 2022.

IEEE SAIC-2022 is the conference for researchers, students, and professionals in the area of Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ukraine and around the world to meet and disseminate their research advancements and discoveries, to network and exchange ideas in order to strengthen existing partnerships and foster new collaborations.


Conference Topics

Track 1. System analysis of complex systems (SACS)
Track 2. Methods, Tools, and Applications of System Mathematics
Track 3. Computational Intelligence (CI)
Track 4. Intelligent Computing Technologies  (ICT)
Track 5. Data Mining for Complex Socio-Economic Processes and Systems

Important Dates

Paper Submission:   April 30, 2022 
Paper Acceptance Notification: September 01, 2022
Final Paper Submission:  September 15, 2022
Registration Fee Payment: September 30, 2022


More information:
Invitation - download