Kucherenko Y. Automated system of heat supply parameters control


Master's dissertation on the topic "Automated control system of heat supply parameters": p. 75, Fig. 29, table. 24, sources 26.

Accuracy. The master's dissertation considers the automated control system of heat supply parameters for the general case and in particular for a multi-storey building, investigates system components, their principle of operation and interaction with algorithmic methods, methods of implementation and construction of automated control systems.

The aim of the work is to study and analyze the system of automated control of heat supply parameters to determine the principles of operation and selection of equipment to create a system to optimize heat metering and control of heat supply parameters.

The object of automation is the accounting of heat supply parameters using a heat meter in a multi-storey building.

Recommendations for use: The obtained results of effective algorithmic solutions can be the basis for creating software for the control system of heat supply parameters. Design analysis of the system and its components can be a model for the selection of equipment to create an automated system for monitoring the parameters of heat supply.

Research advisor: I. Hryshanova


All Masters Thesis