Aloshyn D. Mobile robot orientation system in space


Actuality of theme. Nowadays we can observe a tendency to replace human labor with machine work, which has caused the rapid development of robotics. Robotic systems are the basis of automation of motor vehicles, air transport, modern industry and other areas of human activity. Currently, vacuum cleaners have become quite popular.
One of the main tasks of modern mobile robots is the problem of orientation of devices in a closed space that goes through some changes over time. That is why the development of algorithms for building a room map and adaptation to its constant changes remains an urgent task.
The purpose and tasks of the research. The aim of the work is to develop an automated system of orientation of a mobile robot for movement in a room with obstacles.
To achieve the set goal of the work, a number of tasks must be solved:
- conduct a review of scientific literature on the topic of scientific research, consider existing developments in the field of orientation of mobile robots;
– develop a structural and functional scheme;
- make a selection of elemental mixture;;
– to design a structural diagram of the algorithm of the software part of the hardware unit of the system;
- carry out modeling;
The object of the research is the process of managing the mobile work orientation system.
The subject of the research is software and hardware methods and means of creating mobile work orientation systems.
Research methods. In order to solve the tasks, an analysis of information on existing developments in the field of orientation of mobile robots, familiarization with theoretical material, comparative analysis of system components, programming, debugging and practical testing of the developed system was carried out.
Scientific novelty of the obtained results. The result of the development is a mobile robot orientation system. The novelty of the created system consists in increasing the accuracy of orientation.
The practical significance of the obtained work results is that the obtained system allows mobile workers to effectively overcome obstacles on their way.
Publications. Using the results obtained in the master's qualification work
Structure of work. The master's qualification work consists of an explanatory note and graphic materials. The explanatory note contains an introduction, 4 chapters, conclusions, a list of used sources and appendices. Scope of work: explanatory note – 83 sheets of A4 format, graphic part – 5 sheets of A1 format.

Research advisor: H.Bohdan


All Masters Thesis