Nazarenko A. Tree-axis sensitive of an UAV automated control system


The master's thesis comprises an introduction, five chapters, conclusions summarizing the entire study, and a bibliography. The thesis encompasses 90 pages of
the main text, 19 illustrations, 28 tables, and 21 references, resulting in a total volume of 105 pages.
Objective and tasks of the work: The aim of the dissertation is to investigate a new three-coordinate piezoelectric gravimeter within the automated UAV control system.

The main tasks of the dissertation include:
- introduction (relevance, field of application, novelty, practical value).
- general overview of automated UAV control systems.
- analytical review of gravity acceleration measurement tools.
- principle of operation, construction, application, mathematical model of the sensitive element of the automated UAV control system.
- analysis of sensitive element errors, issues related to increasing the accuracy of determining gravity acceleration measurement.
- calculations of the main parameters of the sensitive element.
- experimental laboratory studies of the sensitive element.
- computer-aided design (CAD) of the sensitive element.
- program implementation of the interaction between the sensitive element and the microcontroller (using MPU6050 and Raspberry Pi Pico).
- development of a startup project.
- conclusions.
The object of the research is the process of determining gravity acceleration using a three-coordinate piezoelectric gravimeter within the automated UAV control system.
The subject of the research is the three-coordinate piezoelectric gravimeter as part of the automated UAV control system.
Research methods: The methods underlying this work are based on the principles of the piezoelectric effect – the generation of an electric charge in a plate made of a special material that deforms under the influence of force, including gravity acceleration.
Practical significance of the results:
- description of the operating principle of the three-coordinate piezogravimeteand its schematic diagram;
- description of the mathematical and physical foundations of its operation, including the reception and processing of the output signal;
- consideration of strategies to improve measurement accuracy.
Publications: Two theses were published for the conference "Three-coordinate Sensitive Element of the Automated Control System" and "Two-channel Piezoelectric Gravimeter of the Automated Gravimetric System".

Research advisor: O. Bezvesilna


All Masters Thesis