Biehov A. Dual-channel capacitive MEMS sensitive element of an automated stabilization system


Today, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are rapidly gaining popularity in many countries of the world. The main reason for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles is to reduce human and economic losses, especially when used in the military sphere. UAVs have a wide range of applications.
Application of military UAVs:
- Conducting tactical and strategic intelligence;
- Striking and intercepting air targets;
- Detection of explosive objects, etc.

Application of UAVs in the civil sphere:
- Radiation, biological and chemical intelligence;
- Search and rescue;
- Monitoring in hard-to-reach areas;
- Communication relay, etc.
Modern UAVs are difficult to classify within the framework of some parameters, by range, duration of flight, design and other parameters.
According to the degree of autonomy, UAVs can be fully automatic or remotely controlled. There is a problem in the automated control and stabilization of UAVs in the air space.
To ensure the stability of movement and increase the safety of UAV flight, it is necessary to create an automated control system. Considerable attention should be paid to the orientation and stabilization system. In this work, a sensitive element for stabilization will be considered a sensitive element, a device for measuring the acceleration of gravity, a two-channel capacitive MEMS sensitive element.

Research advisor: O. Bezvesilna


All Diploma Thesis