Pyhulia A. Anemometer with improved characteristics


Master's thesis to take part in your own entry, six divisions, visnovki and cross-posting. The diploma includes 110 sides, including 13 drawings and cross-posting.
The master's thesis is dedicated to the development of a computer system for controlling the windage of the overhead flow at the enterprises of reinforced concrete screeds. This attachment is installed at steaming chambers when vibrating concrete and slabs and is intended for vibrating small water steam rates (up to 17 m/s) and a temperature range of 0 to 100С with a distant transmission of data to an automatic control system. It is also possible to zastosovuvatisya like in enterprises, and for an hour of carrying out scientific and experimental work, due to the need for vimir security against the pressure of the flow.
At the design-final division, work was carried out on the development of static and dynamic structural schemes, kinematic schemes, the design of the design of the design characteristics and the main parts of the fixture.
At the distribution of a start-up project, an analysis of the market was carried out and the best ways were promoted for its implementation.

Research advisor: P.Lytvynenko


All Masters Thesis