Kuranda M. Diagnostic system with remote data processing


Master's thesis: 106 pages, 29 figures, 30 tables, 38 sources of information.
The goal of the work is to justify the use of diagnostic system with remote data processing to control FMX PCM and to determine its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with serial equipment.
The research object is a diagnostic system with remote data processing.

Research methods: analysis of sources, carrying out a series of measurements on control samples using the researched system of a market analogue and a sample device.
Main results: The advantages and disadvantages of various NC methods for the diagnosis of powder materials were determined. The role of PCM in modern industry and the peculiarities of working with them are studied. The choice of ultrasound diagnostics for control of FMX PCM is justified. The effectiveness of the studied system for controlling FMX PCM has been proven by means of a market study of analogs and a series of experiments. The main areas of improvement of the diagnostic system with separate data processing are proposed. A start-up project has been developed.
Scientific novelty of the obtained results: Expanding the functionality of mobile automated systems with remote data processing and determining the expediency of such changes are studied.
An analysis of the devices used was carried out and their advantages and disadvantages were determined.
Practical significance of the obtained results: The practical significance of the work is that the proposed solution makes it possible to achieve greater flexibility and increase the level of productivity; speed up information processing time and significantly increase the availability of non-destructive testing.
Approbation of the research results was presented at the XIX scientific and practical conference "Efficiency and Automation of Engineering Solutions in Instrumentation", December 20, 2023.
Publications: Kuranda M.V. Diagnostic system with data processing - Proceedings of the XIX All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Efficiency and automation of engineering solutions in instrument construction", December 20-21, 2023 - K.: PBF, KPI named after Igor Sikorsky. - 2023. - 480 p. (p. 351 – 354)

Research advisor: V.Petryk


All Masters Thesis