Piven N. Security alarm system for office premises


Relevance of the topic
Today, the problem of ensuring the security of office premises from unau-thorized access is becoming increasingly important. The use of modern equip-ment and valuable information in offices requires the creation of a reliable secu-rity system capable of preventing threats and responding quickly to emergen-cies.
The development of digital technologies and the integration of IoT solu-tions open up new opportunities for improving security sys tems. This allows them to reduce their cost, expand their functionality, and increase their accuracy and response speed.
In this paper, we have developed a security alarm system for office prem-ises based on the Arduino UNO platform and modern sensors, including infra-red, magnetic, ultrasonic, and other types of sensors. The system provides real-time monitoring and protection of premises and allows tracking information via a web interface.
The proposed solution also supports the connection of additional mod-ules, such as smoke, flame, or glass break detectors, which extends the system's functionality. The system automatically registers events, transmits data to the server for storage and analysis, and informs the owner of any violations via a mobile application or notification.
The developed system is focused on uninterrupted round-the-clock opera-tion, capable of warning of emergencies and responding promptly to them.
Research goal and objectives
The aim of the study is to develop an automated security alarm system that will provide comprehensive protection of office premises using modern technologies to monitor and respond to unauthorized access attempts.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:
1. Analysis of requirements for security systems for office premises.
2. Review of existing analogues of security systems.
3. Development of a structural diagram of the security system.
4. Creating a prototype system based on Arduino UNO.
5. Optimization of data processing and transmission algorithms.
6. Development of a web interface for monitoring and controlling the system.
7. Evaluation of the economic feasibility of the developed solution.
The object of research is the process of ensuring the security of office premises.
Subject of research - an automated security alarm system for offices.
Research methods: To solve the problems, we used the methods of mod-eling, programming, automated control, as well as mathematical statistics tools for analyzing and processing the results.
Scientific novelty
1) An improved approach to the creation of security systems through the use of integrated solutions for monitoring, processing and storing data.
Practical significance
1) An automated office security system has been implemented that com-bines flexibility of settings with a high level of protection.

Research advisor: H.Bohdan


All Masters Thesis