Title of Master Thesis



Master - 2024/2025
(educational and professional training program)

Akulenko Oleksandr   
Remote temperature monitoring system based on pyrometers with automatic data transmission for subsequent analysis
Master thesis

Asinov Yevhen   
Automated Medical Monitoring System for Human Condition
Master thesis

Biehov Anton   
Automated capacitive MEMS sensitive element for stabilization system
Master thesis

Haponov Dmytro   
Automated system for object recognition
Master thesis

Hryshyn Daniil  
Improvement of the measuring system and the coordinate measuring machine
Master thesis

Zemliakov Oleksandr  
Automation of the cartographic image segmentation process
Master thesis

Konoval Vladyslav  
Improved automated subsystem of energy saving in the heating system
Master thesis

Malashchenko Dmytro   
Automated Lighting System for a Cottage
Master thesis

Novozhylova Alona   
Human Condition Monitoring System with Remote Data Collection and Analysis
Master thesis

Panasko Denys  
Automated fabric moisture control system
Master thesis

Piven Nazar   
Security alarm system for office premises
Master thesis

Pidbutskyi Mykyta  
Intelligent sorting system for vegetable crops
Master thesis

Pitukh Illia  
Web application for visualization of ultrasonic flow detector data
Master thesis

Rudov Yaroslav   
Magnetic Monitoring System for Side Frames of Railway Carriage Bogies
Master thesis

Charnosh Andrii  
Automated testing system for welded joints of titanium sheets
Master thesis

Shvets Dmytro  
Automated weight control system for transshipment of railway cargo
Master thesis

Yuzvak Oleksandr  
Automated thermal imaging system for monitoring the condition of underground heating networks
Master thesis


Master - 2023/2024
(educational and professional training program)


Aloshyn Dmytro
Mobile robot orientation system in space (advisor Bohdan Halyna)
Master thesis

Davydenko Bohdan
Intelligent home energy security management system (advisor Cherepanska Iryna)
Master thesis

Demochani Nikita
Automated quality control system for automotive body parts paint coating during repair (advisor Cherepanska Iryna)
Master thesis

Isadchenko Bohdan
Automated dual-channel system for gas leak detection on pipelines using UAV (advisor Muraviov Oleksandr)
Master thesis


Kabula Dmytrii
Improvement of the vending machine product delivery system (advisor Kotliar Svitlana)
Master thesis

Korniichuk Yehor
Automated thermal imaging system for mine detection using artificial intelligence technology (advisor Muraviov Oleksandr)
Master thesis

Kuranda Anton
Biosimilar robot control systems (advisor Kyrychuk Yurii)
Master thesis

Kuranda Maksym
Diagnostic system with remote data processing (advisor Petryk Valentyn)
Master thesis

Labunskyi Petro
Automatic eddy current flaw detector with defect coordinate fixation using a computer mouse (advisor Bazhenov Viktor)
Master thesis

Leskovets Bohdan
Automated system of remote environmental monitoring (advisor Bohdan Halyna)
Master thesis

Mazur Oleksandr
Automated air quality management system in office premises (advisor Cherepanska Iryna)
Master thesis

Nazarenko Andrii
Tree-axis sensitive of an UAV automated control system (advisor Bezvesilna Olena)
Master thesis

Nekrasova Olha
Automated rehabilitation tool for the lower limb (advisor Nechai Serhii)
Master thesis

Padii Mykola
Automated microclimate control system for server room (advisor Bohdan Halyna)
Master thesis

Polshcha Yehor
Control system for a humanoid robot during its movement along stairs and slopes (advisor Protasov Anatolii)
Master thesis

Saviuk Volodymyr
Automated video camera stabilization system (advisor Bezvesilna Olena)
Master thesis

Sen Bohdan
Automated first-person control system for an aviation drone model (advisor Hryshanova Iryna)
Master thesis

Shkinder Ivan
Automated eddy current testing system for piston pins during refurbishment (advisor Kuts Yurii)
Master thesis

Solonetskyi Illia
Ultrasonic automatic aircraft wing inspection system using impedance method (advisor Bazhenov Viktor)
Master thesis

Teslenko Denys
Automated two-channel capacitive MEMS sensitive stabilizing element (advisor Bezvesilna Olena)
Master thesis

Verkhohliad Vladyslav
Automated eddy current inspection system for tubular tuyere linings (advisor Kuts Yurii)
Master thesis

Vitkovskyi Vitalii
Thermal imaging camera for UAV (advisor Nechai Serhii)
Master thesis

Yavdoshchuk Danyil
Automation of ultrasonic inspection processes for welded joints (advisor Lysenko Iuliia)
Master thesis

Zaboluieva Marta
Automation of ultrasound image segmentation in medical diagnostics (advisor Momot Andrii)
Master thesis

Master - 2023
(educational and scientific training program)

Malko Volodymyr
Coordinate registration of information in automated eddy current defectoscopy systems (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Steshenko Yaroslav
Improvement of image segmentation algorithms for surface defects of metal products (advisor A. Protasov)
Master thesis

Master - 2022
(educational and professional training program)

Berdychevskyi Dmytro    
Ultrasonic system of automated inspection of pipeline elements (advisor H.Bohdan)
Master thesis

Harenko Oleksii    
Automated thermal imaging system for leak detection in gas pipelines (advisor O.Muraviov)
Master thesis

Klochko Oleksandr    
Intelligent system of automatic microsatellite control (advisor O. Bezvesilna)
Master thesis

Klymenko Dmytrii    
Interference zero-indicator for the scale coefficient measurement stand of the gyroscope (advisor O. Bezvesilna)
Master thesis

Kolomiiets Kostiantyn    
Development of software for automated design of flow meters (advisor I. Hryshanova)
Master thesis

Kraplyna Denys    
Manipulator of the measuring system (advisor P.Lytvynenko)
Master thesis

Melnyk Andrii    
Optimization of the signal processing algorithm for the ionizing radiation automated control system (advisor Iu.Lysenko)
Master thesis

Morozov Yaroslav    
The system of automated measurement of the angle of inclinationMaster thesis (advisor S.Kotliar)
Master thesis

Nakonechna Anastasiia    
Automated system for analysis of lung X-ray images (advisor O.Muraviov)
Master thesis

Nakonechnyi Mykola    
Automated system for determining the type of material by the active thermal method (advisor A.Momot)
Master thesis

Nyzhnyk Yuliia    
Acoustic emission system for automated testing of liquid leakage in the pipeline (advisor R.Halahan)
Master thesis

Pyhulia Artem    
Anemometer with improved characteristics (advisor P.Lytvynenko)
Master thesis

Skladchykov Ivan    
System of automated analysis of thermal video surveillance data (advisor A.Momot)
Master thesis

Trotsiuk Kateryna    
Automation of the oncological diseases recognition process on ultrasound images (advisor R.Halahan)
Master thesis

Vandzhura Anna    
Automated System of combined quality testing of railway rails (advisor Iu.Lysenko)
Master thesis

Yaroshevska Olha    
Automation of the construction objects design using BIM technologies (advisor S.Nechai)
Master thesis

Master - 2022
(educational and scientific training program)

Nichyk Vitalii
Investigation of two-channel capacitive MEMS sensitive element of automated measuring system with elements of artificial intelligence  (advisor O. Bezvesilna)
Master thesis

Petrenko Dmytro   
Improving active thermal testing by using neural networks for determining the defects of multilayer materials  (advisor A. Protasov)
Master thesis


Master - 2021
(educational and professional training program)

Belak Artur    
Automated system for measuring electric field intensity on the ground (advisor V.Bazhenov)
Master thesis

Vasyliuk Vadym
System of automated control of liquid flow by ultrasonic method (advisor A. Pysarets)
Master thesis

Herasymchuk Mykhailo    
Computer-integrated ultrasonic system for eye disease diagnostics (advisor O.Lashko)
Master thesis

Hladyshko Andrii
Automatic control system for tensor resistor calibration stand (advisor V.Zaitsev)
Master thesis

Hlushchenko Mykhailo    
The automated smoke detection system (advisor H.Bohdan)
Master thesis

Horzhyi Ihor
Automation of the camera stabilization system at hand-held shooting (advisor O. Bezvesilna)
Master thesis

Zhyvkovych Artur  
Thermal imaging system for diagnosing heat loss of buildings (advisor O.Muraviov)
Master thesis

Zakharov Yehor
Comprehensive automated security system at the cheese production factory (advisor S. Nechai)
Master thesis

Kibalenko Vadym    
Automated ultrasonic flaw detection of welded joints of high probability (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Krushynskykh Kyrylo
Automated system forhydraulicstructuressafetymonitoring (advisor M. Heraimchuk)
Master thesis

Kucherenko Yuliia
Automated system of heat supply parameters control (advisor I. Hryshanova)
Master thesis

Lemeshenko Vladyslav    
The smartphone-based automated ultrasonic diagnostic system (advisor V.Petryk)
Master thesis

Maliarov Artem    
The ultrasonic automatic high-resolution testing system (advisor S.Mayevskyi)
Master thesis

Masnukha Dmytro    
Computer-integrated system for surface defect testing (advisor H.Bohdan)
Master thesis

Markin Nazar
Selection of optimal solutions for the construction of modern home automation systems (advisor O. Andrieieva)
Master thesis

Melnyk Anastasiia
Automated vortex water flow monitoring system (advisor A. Pysarets)
Master thesis

Odainyk Dmytro
Automated indoor air quality control system (advisor Yu. Kyrychuk)
Master thesis

Oliinyk Vladyslav
Intelligent microclimate and home security monitoring system (advisor I. Hryshanova)
Master thesis

Opryshko Maksym    
Automated ultrasonic sheet metal testing system (advisor A. Momot)
Master thesis

Master - 2021
(educational and scientific training program)

Baranovskyi Dmytro   
Computerized eddy current testing system using matrix-type converters  (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Master - 2020
(educational and professional training program)

Lahutin Yevhen
Computer system for titanium testing
Master thesis

Noshchenko Serhii
Automated eddy current flaw detector for monitoring the condition of structural elements of aircraft
Master thesis

Romaniuk Tetiana
Computerized system of multiparameter eddy current control of mechanical engineering products
Master thesis

Storozhyk Denys   
Thermal imaging system with multispectral image fusion (advisor O.Muraviov)
Master thesis

Tasazh Vladyslav   
Automated system for testing of multilayer structures by the method of the oscillations (advisor R.Halahan)
Master thesis

Master - 2020
(educational and scientific training program)

Povshenko Oleksandr   
Improvement of the Ultrasonic Path (advisor A.Protasov)
Master thesis

Master - 2019
(educational and professional training program)

Kanosa Roman    
Automated system of eddy current flaw detection (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Klepach Serhii     
Automated ultrasonic system for drill pipe inspection (advisor V.Bazhenov)
Master thesis

Kotov Ivan    
Ultrasound introscope for the diagnosis of heart disease(advisor R.Halahan)
Master thesis

Ladyzhenskyi Oleksandr    
Research of the excitation process of acoustic vibrations by a capacitive-type transducer (advisor S.Mayevskyi)
Master thesis

Lysokon Yakiv   
Ultrasonic system for testing of the basic elements of the wheels of railway transports (advisor H.Bohdan)
Master thesis

Myrhorodskyi Oleksandr
Remote processing flaw detector (advisor V.Petryk)
Master thesis

Moroz Nataliia    
Automated system of products made of structural materials (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Stasyshyn Oleksandr    
System of automated analysis of medical thermograms (advisor O.Muraviov)
Master thesis

Udod Vitalii    
Automated system for ultrasonic testing of bridge structures elements (advisor O.Lashko)
Master thesis

Ferko Roman    
Ultrasonic system for automated testing of welded joints of large objects (advisor H.Bohdan)
Master thesis

Tsymbal Vadym
Brake disc robotic inspection system (advisor O.Dugin)
Master thesis

Shpak Dmytro    
Automated ultrasonic system for testing of pipes welded joints (advisor H.Bohdan)
Master thesis

Master - 2019
(educational and scientific training program)

Nazarchuk Olena
Thermal stabilization characteristics of the image guality of thermograph anol improving  the informative value of medical thermograms (advisor А.Protasov)
Master thesis

Master - 2018
(educational and professional training program)


Bahlai Yevhenii
Ultrasonic system for monitoring the wheelset axle (advisor I.Lysenko)
Master thesis

Bruslik Mykhailo 
Indoor Bluetooth orientation system (advisor O.Muraviov)
Master thesis

Volovodenko Mariia
Eddy current automated system for testing of pipes of heat exchangers of NPP (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Zhuk Alina
Robotic arm for positioning of sensors on objects with complex geometry (advisor R.Halahan)
Master thesis

Kurasov Oleksandr
Ultrasonic inspection of elements of tubular constractions (advisor S.Mayevskyi)
Master thesis

Levchenko Oleksandr 
Automation of nondestractive eddy current testing of objects with complex geometry of a surface (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Lysiana Yuliia 
Positioning system  for sensor on flat surfaces (advisor R.Halahan)
Master thesis

Makarenko Alona
The system for tracking the movement of ultrasonic sensor on flat surfase of testing object (advisor R.Halahan)
Master thesis

Ratsebarskyi Serhii
Higher harmonics method control system (advisor V.Bazhenov)
Master thesis

Kharuk Ivan
Ophthalmic testing system for color vision (advisor O.Muraviov)
Master thesis

Master - 2018

Avramenko  Bohdan
Automated addy cyrrent testing system for complex geometry products (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Bohdanov Volodymyr
Ultrasonic nondestructive testing for osteectory (advisor V.Bazhenov)
Master thesis

Veriutin Mykhailo
Using of machine learning to defect flaws of composite materials by mechanical impedance analysis (advisor E.Suslov)
Master thesis

Ivasyk Yurii
Research of ultrasonic fuel flowmeters (advisor V.Bazhenov)
Master thesis

Matushchak Illia
Reconstruction of termal fields (advisor A.Protasov)
Master thesis

Myrhorodskyi Oleksandr
Detector with the wireless data transnission system (advisor V.Petryk)
(have not been defended)

Pohrebenko Dmytro
Methods and means for rehabilitation  of the ankle joint (advisor R.Halahan)
Master thesis

Redka Mykhailo
Development of information technology of ultrasonic flow detection with increased relability (advisor Y.Kuts)
Master thesis

Rozhanska Iryna
Control algoritms for robotic-manipulators in the system of automated non-destructive testing (advisor R.Halahan)
(have not been defended)

Khodnevych Serhii
Research of eddy-current flow detotors based on frequency synthesizers (advisor V.Bazhenov)
Master thesis


Master - 2017

Ukrainets Serhii
Acoustic testing  technology using GSM (advisor Valentyn Petryk)

Shynderuk Taras
Research of correlation method  for locating acoustic signals (advisor Bazhenov Viktor)