1st Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON-2017)

IEEEUkraineThe 2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON) in Kyiv, Ukraine, will take place on May 29 – June 2, 2017.

The First IEEE UKRCON-2017 general theme, Celebrating 25 Years of IEEE Ukraine Section, reflects the profound impact of IEEE on the Ukrainian Science for the last 25 years. IEEE Ukraine Section was founded on November 21, 1991 and for 25 years helps Ukrainian scientists find ways for cooperation with various international partners through IEEE conferences and grants.

We invite to submit paper and take part in the IEEE UKRCON-2017 to celebrate together 25th Anniversary of IEEE Activities in Ukraine!


Track 1: Microwave Techniques, Antennas & Radar Systems
A.    Microwave Theory and Techniques
B.    Antennas & Propagation
C.    Space, Aerospace and Airborne Technologies
D.    Radar Systems, Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Track 2: Bioengineering & Robotics
A.    Biomedical Engineering, Circuits and Systems
B.    Medical Image & Signal Processing
C.    Robotics, Control & Intelligent Systems

Track 3: Energy Systems, Industry Application & Industry 4.0
A.    Power & Energy Circuits and Systems
B.    Smart Grid & Energy Markets
C.    Industry 4.0, Automation, Industrial Electronics & Industry Application
D. Vehicular Electrotechnology Equipment and Systems

Track 4: Nanoelectronics & Photonics, Electron Devices & Embedded Systems
A.    Micro- & Nanoelectronics and Technologies
B.    Electron Devices & Integrated Circuits
C. Optics and Photonics
D.    MEMS, SoC, NoC and Embedded Systems
E. CAD and EDA Tools, Methods and Algorithms

Track 5: Systems Analysis, Computer Science & Infocommunications
A.    Communications and Networks
B.    Systems Analysis & Engineering, Risk Management & Decision Making Systems
C.    Internet of Things, Data Science, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
D.    Computer Science and Software Techniques

Track 6: Engineering Education & History
A.    Educational Research, Methods, Materials, Programs and Technology
B.    MOOCs and Blended Learning
C.    Historical Milestones of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Paper Submission: January 30, 2017
Special Track Submission: January 30, 2017
Tutorials Request: January 30, 2017
Paper Acceptance Notification: March 13, 2017
Final Paper Submission: March 27, 2017
IEEE UKRCON-2017: May 29 – June 2, 2017

For participants from Ukraine and Republic of Georgia:

IEEE Members:    zero (free)
IEEE Members in the past:    200 UAH
non-IEEE Members:    400 UAH

Included Welcome Party, City Tour, Participants Bag, Conference Program & Proceedings and Coffee-breaks.

Announcement - download

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