Topics of the Spesialists Thesis 2017 and its annotations:
- Hits: 2164
The monograph presents a scientific study in which an important scientific and technical problem is solved, which consists in determining the methods and means of improving the accuracy characteristics of the instrument system for measuring mechanical parameters and stabilization, improving the main characteristics of stabilizers, improving methods of measuring mechanical quantities that affect the functioning of stabilizers ( angle of installation of sensors of angular speed, stiffness, backlash, moments of resistance to rotation of the stabilizer guidance channels, etc.) in extreme operating conditions (a wide range of external vibration and temperature disturbances) by using the proposed new precision methods and means. The monograph contains relevant programs and algorithms.
It is intended for master's students, postgraduate students, doctoral students, teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists of scientific divisions and institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other scientific organizations.
Bezvesilna, Y. Increasing the accuracy of the stabilization complex [Electronic resource] : monograph / Bezvesilna Y., Kyrychuk Y., Tolochko T. - Electronic text data (1 file: 8,47 Мb). - Karlsruhe, Germany, 2023. - 188 p.
Topics of the Bachelor Thesis 2016 and its annotations: