AbitFest KPI: about Open House Day

DSC 5783 1Open house day "KPI AbitFest" at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was held on December 14, 2019. All faculties and institutes presented their latest and recent student achievements. During this event students, their parents and friends were able to find out about our Instrument Engineering Faculty and specialties on it  (incl. 151 – Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies).

Teachers and Lecturers from the Department of Non-Destructive Testing Instruments and Systems presented the educational program "Robotic and Automated Non-Destructive Testing and Diagnostic Systems", which is included in specialty 151. Applicants were able to ask any questions and receive comprehensive answers about the university, admission, studying and employment.

It was an incredibly crazy and fun day. Thank you to everyone who joined KPI AbitFest - organizers, participants, and visitors!

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DSC 5772 1 DSC 5774 1 DSC 5797 1 DSC 5788 i
DSC 5734 1 DSC 5801 i DSC 5784 i

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АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021