During their studies, students have the opportunity to participate in exchange programs and academic mobility programs, and undergo internships at almost any university in Europe and around the world. They can also take part in international competitions, join interesting projects, and more. This section is dedicated to current information about international internships and projects for students and researchers of the faculty.

The aim of the ERASMUS+ Higher Education program is to modernize and enhance education in higher education institutions in Europe and beyond. It provides students and staff with the opportunity to develop skills and improve career prospects. The credit mobility program offers students of various study formats the chance to undergo internships at any of the selected partner universities. More

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest German public organization supporting academic exchanges. DAAD promotes the internationalization of German universities, strengthens German studies and the German language abroad, supports developing countries in establishing strong universities, and advises responsible experts in the fields of educational policy, international research, and policies towards developing countries. More
The Scholarship Program of the Visegrad Group countries, which includes universities from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary, provides an opportunity to receive a scholarship for a semester or another predetermined period of study. This program is open to students of various study levels, including bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. students. More
The National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic allows students of various study levels to receive a scholarship for education and research for a period ranging from 1 semester to 1 year. More