Specialists Thesis, 2016-2017

Topics of the Spesialists Thesis 2017 and its annotations:

Hololob Dmytro
Spectral-ratio pyrometer
advisor Muraviov О.

Lytvintsev Yehor
Ultrasonic system for concrete testing
advisor prof. Bazhenov V.

Pohrebenko Oleksandr
Ultrasonic flaw detector based on phased array for testing steel products
advisor prof. Halahan R.

Revtiukh Vasyl
The ultrasonic microscope for testing of sections of biological tissues
advisor prof. Halahan R.

Silenko Yevhenii
Ultrasonic system of railway testing
advisor prof. Bazhenov V.

Stanekzai Serhii
The ultrasonics system for thickness measurement of constructional ceramic wares
advisor prof. Kuts Y.


Topics of the Spesialists Thesis 2016 and its annotations:

Airapetian A.
Ultrasonic tomography for diagnosis of the articular meniscus condition
(advisor prof. Bazhenov V.)

Butko A.
System for ultrasonic testing of a rail track
(advisor prof. Petrik V.)

Vasylenko B.
The ultrasonic microscope
(advisor Lasho О.)

Davydenko V.
Ultrasonic testing system of wheel pairs
(advisor prof. Bazhenov V.)

Kryvutsyk M.
Ultrasonic testing system of welded pipe joints
(advisor Dugin O.)

Lashta R.
Ultrasonic introscope for visualization of kindney tissues
(advisor prof. Halahan R.)

Lysiuchenko S.
Brightness pyrometer
(advisor Muraviov О.)

Linkevych B.
Multiparametric eddy current system
(advisor prof. Mayevskyi S.)

Nishchymnyi E.
Medical thermography camera
(advisor Muraviov О.)

Оstaltseva I.
Based on a phased array ultrasonic defectoscope for the weld joints inspection
(advisor prof. Halahan R.)

Poiarko A.
Ultrasonic testing system of pipes transverse weld joints
(advisor prof. Kuts Y.)

Sudak M.
Eddy current testing system of thermal treatment for steel elements
(advisor prof. Mayevskyi S.)

Tytarchuk V.
Ultrasonic incoming inspection system of aircraft fuselage elements
(advisor Bohdan H.)

Chernovskyi T.
Wireless hidro-acoustic system of automatic bottom scan
(advisor Dugin O.)

Chulaievskii O.
The automated ultrasonic testing system for longitudinal pipe weld joints
(advisor Dugin O.)

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021