Marymorych O. Automated voice control system for a smart home

The aim of the thesis is to research smart home systems, voice control and create a simple demonstration model of voice control.
In the first chapter of this thesis, the concept of the Internet of Things and a smart home was considered, the types of smart homes, their advantages and disadvantages were considered. Different wireless protocols used in smart homes, their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed. Some examples of the use of smart technologies in the housing sector are also considered.
The second chapter is devoted to the history of the development of voice control and voice recognition systems. The operation of these systems was investigated, advantages and disadvantages were analyzed, and some examples of the use of similar systems were considered.
The third chapter describes the process of creating a demonstration model of voice control of a light bulb. This system aims to demonstrate the basic capabilities of voice control in smart homes.
The work is laid out on 51 pages, contains 3 chapters, 19 figures, 20 references.

Research advisor: V.Samborska


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021