Vanda A. Courier robot control system

This bachelor's thesis is dedicated to the development of a robotic courier service system, which is an urgent problem in the current world of automation and the development of technology. The robot is conducting an analysis of existing systems for navigation by robotic curators, including a review of current solutions for autonomous navigation, the upgrading of systems from various robots and the identification of the main benefits of such systems.
Below is a breakdown of the heating system diagram, including a structural diagram, a description of the main elements and a functional diagram of the interaction of these elements. After that, the robot will contain mathematical models of the system, such as a kinematic model of the robot, a dynamic model, a model of the navigation and localization system, as well as a unique transcoding model.
The remaining section of the robot is devoted to the modeling of the robot system of the caravan system, including the development of the simulation core, testing of navigation and localization algorithms, modeling of the robot’s movements in different minds and analysis of the results of further modeling optimizing system parameters.
The conclusions provide the main conclusions of the work and recommendations for further research in this area. References and appendices are also provided to support the findings and research.
This work is important for the development of autonomous delivery systems and for solving efficiency and safety problems in the field of logistics and transport.

Research advisor: A. Pysarets


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021