Mykhalchuk A. Coordinate device with additional functions

The diploma project consists of an introduction, four main sections, conclusions, and a list of references and literature. The project includes 70 pages of main text, 23 illustrations, 1 table, and 18 references.
The aim and objectives of the diploma project. The aim of the work is to consider the key aspects of developing a mouse-manipulator, as well as to identify the main and additional technical components that affect the functionality and efficiency of such control devices.
The main tasks of the bachelor's diploma project include:
- Introduction (a brief outline of the industry's features and the practical value of the proposed device);
- Consideration of general aspects of development, which includes topics such as: automation of control processes and the use of specialized manipulator devices; analysis of existing devices and systems; review of key technical components of the system; examination of general aspects of the device's software; description of the system ensuring interaction between the device and the computer;
- Development and description of the basic structure of the manipulator device;
- Development of the conceptual design and structure of the device. Description of the requirements for functional blocks and modularity;
- Development and description of the electrical schematic of the manipulator device. Calculation of the total power of the device;
- Consideration of the development of hardware software;
- Development and description of the flowchart of the hardware software algorithm;
- Conclusions.

Research advisor: S. Nechai


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021