Solohub I. Automated system for weight accounting of product transportation

The bachelor's diploma project on the topic "Automatic weight accounting system for product transportation" consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, general conclusions, and a list of used sources. The explanatory note of the project is made on 80 pages and has 32 figures, tables and 15 names according to the list of used sources.
The goal of the diploma project is the development of an automatic system for weight accounting of products transported by road transport.
In the first section, in order to implement the given task, a critical analysis of existing automated product weighing systems was carried out and a justified list of issues that needed to be solved for the construction of an automatic system was made.
In the second section, the main technical requirements for the automatic accounting system, car scales and strain-resistor weighing sensors are developed.
The third section is devoted to the development of a strain-resistor type weighing transducer.
In the fourth chapter, the software development of the automatic system based on neural network technologies and the training of its model, which will allow modernizing the existing automated weight accounting systems to the level of automatic ones, is carried out.
The graphic part of the project consists of blueprints and illustrative sheets with a total of 5 sheets of A1.

Research advisor: V. Zaitsev


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021