Vlasyuk D. Mobile ultrasonic thickness gauge

This diploma project is aimed at creating an ultrasonic thickness measurement system that integrates the functionality of smartphones. This allows to expand the system's functions and reduce hardware costs.
The first chapter analyzes in detail the different methods of ultrasonic thickness measurement of materials, their features, and comparison.
The second section is devoted to an overview of wireless data transmission technologies, with an emphasis on their properties and comparative analysis.
The third chapter outlines the process of selecting key components for a mobile ultrasonic thickness gauge based on a comparison with existing analogs. The development of the functional and schematic diagrams of the device, the creation of a basic electrical circuit, and the calculation of the main components of the electrical circuit are described.
The last section presents calculations of the reliability of control procedures, including the error caused by quantization, the error of operational amplifiers, and an overall assessment of the control efficiency.
The work consists of 66 pages (without appendices), 4 chapters, general conclusions, references, contains 1 table, 20 figures and 34 references.

Research advisor: V. Petryk


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021