Tynenik H. Earthquake Detection Device for a Life Support System

In this project, a budget-friendly device for earthquake detection and a system for alerting relevant services via a bot in the Telegram messenger were developed. The first chapter analyzes modern earthquake detection tools, such as traditional seismometers, accelerometers, geophones, as well as early warning systems in various countries, including ShakeAlert (USA) and EEW (Japan). The second chapter is dedicated to the development of a budget device for earthquake detection and alerting safety authorities, including various operational algorithms. The third chapter examines the optimized casing for the device, which meets the requirements of our design. Additionally, various aspects of the impact of external conditions on the device's operation were considered, and solutions were proposed to enhance its resilience and reliability. The use of accessible and inexpensive components ensures the possibility of wide implementation of the development in different regions with high seismic activity, contributing to increased safety for the population.

Research advisor: A. Pysarets


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021