Brailovskyi R. Parktronic

In this bachelor's project, a parking sensor system based on ultrasonic sensors and controlled by an Arduino Uno microcontroller was developed to facilitate vehicle parking. The main feature of the system is the use of affordable components and the ability to display results on an LCD screen and provide audible signals.
The first section analyzes modern parking sensor systems, identifies their advantages and disadvantages, and justifies the choice of ultrasonic technology. The technical characteristics of existing systems are also considered, and the selection of Arduino Uno as the main controller is substantiated.
In the second section, the system parameters are calculated. The methods of calculating the coefficients and parameters necessary for the accurate operation of the ultrasonic sensors are described. Formulas and calculation examples are provided to confirm the correctness of the component and algorithm choices.
The third section is dedicated to the system's structural diagram, its components, and the principles of interaction. The selection of components, such as ultrasonic sensors, LEDs, sound beeper, and LCD display, is described.
The fourth section covers the system's software. An analysis and explanation of the code that processes signals from the sensors, controls the LEDs, and sound beeper is presented. The algorithms for determining the distance to obstacles and providing signals to the driver are explained.
The conclusions assess the system's efficiency and reliability, as well as the possibilities for its further development.

Research advisor: H. Bogdan


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021