Khvorostian Y. Contact Impedance Hardness Tester

In this bachelor's project, a contact-impedance hardness tester was designed for monitoring metallic products.
The first section describes examples of applications in the fields of contact-impedance testing and the relevance of their use. It provides a comparison and identifies the advantages and disadvantages of modern and currently relevant hardness testers based on the physical principle of measurement, i.e., contact-impedance (acoustic impedance). Various methods of contact-impedance hardness testing are also considered, and their analysis allowed for the selection of an ultrasonic contact-acoustic-impedance method for measuring hardness for the device being developed. The technical characteristics of existing devices with the potential for modernization (improvement) and cost reduction are examined.
In the second section, the piezoelectric transducers and parts of the electronic circuit are calculated.

Research advisor: I.Hryshanova


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021