The diploma project is devoted to the development and implementation of an information and computer system for the automated management of information and material flows in an online trading enterprise. In today's world of rapid development of information technology and business globalization, effective management of these flows is critical to ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises and improving customer service.
The aim of the thesis project is to develop an information and computer system for automated management of information and material flows of an online trading enterprise, which helps to manage business with less time and resources.

The main goal of the project is to optimize the consumption of energy resources, which helps to reduce costs and improve energy efficiency.
This work presents an analysis of modern energy accounting systems in residential buildings. Examining existing solutions allows identifying key technologies and techniques used to monitor and manage energy, water and heat consumption, revealing their strengths and weaknesses.
Based on the analysis, a new system of accounting for energy resources was developed, aimed at improving the efficiency and accuracy of data. The system includes sensors and intelligent algorithms for automatic data collection and consumption analysis, which allows users to better manage their resources.

In this bachelor's project the development and implementation of an automated system for building houses is considered, which combines modern automation and construction technologies to increase efficiency, accuracy, and speed of construction processes. The introduction of robotics for construction work and the use of innovative materials contribute to reducing costs and construction time. During the research, an analysis of existing technologies and methods of automation in construction was conducted, and a 3D model of the automated system was developed.
The first chapter of the diploma thesis is devoted to familiarizing with the use of 3D printers in construction and the history of the development of this technology. The relevance of the topic, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using an automated system in construction, are considered.
The second chapter of the thesis is dedicated to the substantiation of the technological process and the analysis of the 3-D printer's operation. It includes a comparison of 3-D modeling environments in which the design for the "Automated House Creation System" will be developed.

Diploma project is devoted to wind power plants with horizontal wind turbines, which are the most efficient means of converting the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy.
The work analyzes the classification of wind power plants by various characteristics (power, wind turbine shape), their structure and main components, and the peculiarities of using different types of plants.
It is found that the efficiency of a wind turbine with a horizontal rotor is increased by the use of a wind direction orientation system; for the implementation of which it is proposed to use a laser tracking system. Such systems can significantly reduce energy losses due to inefficient blade positioning relative to the wind direction, providing a more stable and high performance of the installation. This, in turn, helps to reduce operating costs and increase the economic feasibility of using wind power plants.

The thesis project is dedicated to the development of an automated system for sorting electrochemical cells, including the design, construction and testing of the system, as well as the analysis of existing technologies and the development of new methods. The project covers the creation of a conveyor system with integrated sensors to measure the physical and chemical properties of batteries, the use of machine vision to identify and classify them, and the development of software to control this process.
The project pays special attention to the development of accurate and fast algorithms to optimize the sorting process, which reduces the cost of processing and increases the yield of high-quality secondary raw materials. The use of modern sensor technologies and robotic manipulators to automate sorting processes is considered.
The project structure includes an analysis of the theoretical foundations of sorting electrochemical elements, development of a technological section with the selection of system components, calculation of key performance indicators, and review of existing sorting systems to identify opportunities for improvement.

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АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021