Svyshch O. Robot manipulator with soft gripping technology

In this bachelor's project, a soft gripper for a robotic manipulator was designed to grasp and manipulate objects of various shapes and those that are easily deformable.
The first chapter is dedicated to analyzing and classifying modern robotic manipulators. It thoroughly examines different types of manipulators, their capabilities, and application areas. The technical characteristics and design features are highlighted, allowing conclusions to be drawn about their advantages and disadvantages.
The second chapter analyzes the types of soft grippers for robotic manipulators. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of existing gripper models are discussed. A comparison between soft grippers and traditional ones is conducted, particularly regarding their ability to adapt to shapes, safety for fragile objects, and effectiveness in various conditions of use.
The third chapter justifies the design of the developed gripper, considers the simulation of the 3D model, and performs the necessary calculations. The stages of development are described, from material selection to final assembly. A program for testing the soft gripper on the robot is also provided.

Research advisor: H. Bogdan


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021