Herasymenko Y. Automated demining system

As part of his bachelor's thesis, he developed an automated demining system. The diploma project includes six chapters, each of which is an important component of the work.
    One of the main achievements of the project is the creation of a system that performs mine detection without human intervention. This was achieved with the help of modern technologies and properly selected elements.
    During the development of the system, an ultrasonic sensor was used to detect obstacles ahead of the system, motor drivers to simplify the implementation of the electrical circuit and to protect more important elements, such as the microcontroller, from the effects of highly consuming elements. A converter and voltage booster were also used to ensure more stable current flow and correct operation of the elements. The choice of such components allows for a reliable system that ensures high accuracy of the system.
    The use of robots in the demining process contributes to the development of robotics, reduces the number of people involved in field sensing, and saves lives. This development speeds up the demining process, which will help to start using hazardous land for agricultural activities sooner.

Research advisor: N.Nazarenko


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021