Zhyrov Y. Thermal imaging system

On the diploma project of the fourth year student of the group PC-01 Zhyrov Evgeny on the topic: "Thermal imaging system". The diploma project consists of an explanatory note of 76 pages, includes 48 illustrations, 25 references and 32 formulas. In this diploma project, a modern compact mobile thermal imaging system was developed. The first chapter of the diploma project presents theoretical information on thermal control. The theoretical information about the use of thermal imagers, their design, advantages and disadvantages is described. The second chapter compares different computing systems of the thermal imager and compares different infrared detectors. The third section of the project describes the algorithm of the device operation, the user manual, the algorithm of the main program of the thermal imaging system, and the main software libraries. The fourth chapter contains the experimental part. A number of experiments have been conducted to test the device and determine its capabilities, applications, and use cases.

Research advisor: A. Protasov


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021