Lohvynenko O. Wind power plant with horizontal/vertical wind generator

Diploma project is devoted to wind power plants with horizontal wind turbines, which are the most efficient means of converting the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy.
The work analyzes the classification of wind power plants by various characteristics (power, wind turbine shape), their structure and main components, and the peculiarities of using different types of plants.
It is found that the efficiency of a wind turbine with a horizontal rotor is increased by the use of a wind direction orientation system; for the implementation of which it is proposed to use a laser tracking system. Such systems can significantly reduce energy losses due to inefficient blade positioning relative to the wind direction, providing a more stable and high performance of the installation. This, in turn, helps to reduce operating costs and increase the economic feasibility of using wind power plants.
The calculations of the volume and mass of the wind turbine blade, the maximum torque, the power of the wind turbine, and the generated energy depending on the wind speed are carried out.

Research advisor: A. Pysarets


All Diploma Thesis

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021