During the writing of the diploma project the methods of non-destructive testing used to determine defects in ferromagnetic materials were considered, as well as their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed. A flaw detector based on magnetoresistors was designed, which uses the basic principles of the magnetic method of non-destructive testing. The calculation of the parameters of the designed device is carried out, the algorithm of data transfer is made.

Purpose: analysis of effective methods of non-destructive testing to identify defects in complex objects and construction of a device for their location.

The diploma project is devoted to the development of a device for the treatment of Parkinson's disease using focused ultrasound. The volume of the diploma project is: a calculation and explanatory note - 40 pages and a graphic part, which consists of 3 drawings.

The task of this project is to develop and calculate a primary transducer (namely, a refractor) for focusing ultrasound in a specific area of the patient's brain, to develop an electrical schematic diagram of the device and a description of the method of using the developed device for medical purposes. The project provides calculations of the coefficient of the acoustic path, gives recommendations for the choice of radiation voltage. The choice of the scheme is also substantiated, the necessary modern electronic components for its realization are selected.

The diploma project entitled "Automated material classification by the thermal testing method" is devoted to the development of contactless device for temperature profile measuring.

During the work on project the theoretical bases of temperature measurement, physical bases of thermal imager were considered, the functional scheme of the device was developed, the optical system of a thermal imager was synthesized and calculated, components were selected, the electric schematic diagram and assembly drawing were developed.

The diploma project consists of annotations, introduction, analytical review, sensor calculations, presentation of structural and functional schemes, selection of components and conclusions.

The total length of the explanatory note is 50 pages, including: 28 illustrations, 8 tables, 4 drawings, 20 references and 10 formulas.

The topic of the diploma project is related to determining the quality of the environment, which directly affects the quality of life. It is known that the main factors that require constant monitoring are the level of radiation. The effects of radiation may not appear immediately, but decades later in future generations. This manifestation can be in the form of cancer, genetic mutations, etc.

On a bachelor's thesis "Smart Thermal Imaging Camera" written by Skladchykov Ivan, a fourth-year student of group PK-71.  Thesis consists of an explanatory note of 82 pages, includes 30 illustrations, 2 tables, 22 literary sources and 39 formulas.

In this thesis, a smart thermal imaging camera was developed on the basis of the IoT principle for use in the production. The first part of the thesis presents theoretical information  concerning thermal control. Theoretical information on the usage of thermal imaging cameras, their advantages and disadvantages in certain areas is also provided.

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021