The master's dissertation consists of the introduction and 5 chapters, the conclusion and the list of used literature. The full volume is 73 pages, including 41 illustrations, 22 tables and 19 literary sources.

The urgency of this topic is that the number of people in need of rehabilitation has increased significantly in recent times in connection with the ATO in eastern Ukraine. Known foreign devices for passive restoration of the ankle joint, but their main disadvantage is the high price, and in our country the goods of this profile are not produced, so of this many people who need rehab can not afford expensive equipment. Known patents for active rehabilitation of the ankle joint, but their main disadvantage is that they are not suitable for the restoration of immobilized extremities. Therefore, it is proposed to create a rehabilitation device using a servo drive as a source of motion. The main advantage should be the price, due to the use of cheaper serial components.

The purpose of this research is to develop a rehabilitation device designed for forced reproduction of plantar foot flexion/dorsiflexion and abduction/adduction. Creating a control program is the second stage of the study.

The correlation method of locations acoustic signals have been researched in this master work.
Master work consists of 82 pages, which includes 57 figures, 1 table, 49 references, 2 attachments.
Keywords: mutual correlation function, acoustic wave, shot recording, the signals source.
Main object of this master work is the spreading process of acoustic waves from a shot. The subject of research is the methods and means of increasing the sensitivity of determining the coordinates from impulse noise sources.
Master work consists of an introduction, eight chapters and a conclusion.
Main goals and objectives of development have been described in introduction. The first section devoted to the basic methods of determining the coordinates of signal sources, to considering the existing devices and the development of the block diagram. The second section describes the relevance of research. The third section is devoted to the methods and approaches to detection and recognition of different types audio. The fourth section is devoted to device settlement. The fifth section is devoted to the development of structural and functional diagrams, time diagrams and operation algorithm. In the sixth section performed simulation of calculation delay using mutual correlation function. The seventh section is devoted to the selection of components. The eighth chapter is devoted to errors calculation.
Results of research and the basic opportunities for further research have been presented in conclusion.

Research advisor: prof. Bazhenov V.


In this master work the possibility of іmplementation GSM standard to nondestructive testing  has been examined, which  enables to easily adapt  to new control objects and different types of problems.
Possible methods of nondestructive testing have been presented and reasonable ultrasonic NDT method has been chosen. Basic types of wireless data transmition and their advantages and disadvantages have been discribed .
Functional scheme have been described and developed. Timing diagrams and working proces of flaw have been showed. The calculation of piezoelectric transducer has been done. The results of these calculations determine basic sensor geometric parameters, resolution and thickness  of antireflaction layer.
Device schematic diagram and parameters of basic blocks have been designed. The system meets all the requirements. Parts of the electrical circuit, comparative data analysis have been made.
Type of wireless data transmition has been chosen and an experimental GSM-module has been described.

Key words: automation control, ultrasound wireless system, wireless flaw technologies.

Research advisor: prof. Petrik V.


In this master work the acoustic stethoscope with telemetric communication system conducted experimental studies to determine the errors that have easy adaptability to new control objects and different classes of problems. This work consists of seven chapters and contains 87 figures, 7 tables, drawing 1, 2 and 8 schemes graphic material.
In the section "Overview of BPD technology" are the main physical properties of radio frequency, reduced analysis types types of telemetry communication, conclusions and justification of choice wireless technology Bluetooth.
In the section "Development of the functional schemes" developed and described in the functional diagram. Described timing diagrams and sequence of flaw. The calculation Piezoelectric transducer. The results of these calculations is to determine the basic geometric parameters of the sensor resolution antireflaction layer thickness.
Developed schematic diagram of the device, the parameters of basic knots. The system meets all the requirements. Modeled parts of the electrical circuit and comparative analysis of the data and conclusions.
The section "Research flaw" Experimental investigation of error flaw for different thickness of the test sample and at different depths and different defects occurrence.
Bluetooth In the study it was found that this wireless technology fully meets the requirements
Thus Ultrasonic Flaw developed with telemetric communication system and the research and benchmarks flaw
.KLYUCHOVI WORDS: ARM, automation control, ultrasound system is wireless control, wireless technologies flaw.

Research advisor: prof. Protasov A.


Volume of work - 104 pages, number of illustrations - 43, number of tables - 2, number of applications - 3, number of references - 44.
Background. The current non-destructive testing systems does not allow solving the problem of classification automatically, which reduces their effectiveness and do not quickly make a memory system on new defects not allowed to expand their knowledge base without recalculation of all parameters of recognition. Such operations require additional time and computational cost, lower performance and efficiency of the entire system. Therefore, the question of drawing Adaptive acoustic NC.
The purpose and objectives of the study. The aim - to find a universal approach to the development of the structure of the automated system of digital signal processing devices acoustic control using artificial neural networks that solve problem of recognition and classification of defects and raise the information content and performance control compared to traditional methods.
- Analysis of existing methods of signal processing without the use of neural networks and identify their main weaknesses.
- Browse and select the type of neural network that can be used for signal processing in the ultrasonic non-destructive testing.
- Building a neural network model for experimental determination of the optimal structure and capabilities.
- Application of the model to real flaw signal processing to identify and classify defects. Analysis of the data and the effect.
The object of the study. The object of research is the process of digital signal processing NDT devices.
The subject of the study. The study examined the classification algorithms are technical condition of composite materials for acoustic NDT results.
Methods. In developing automated systems of classification and clustering, applied programming techniques, methods, theory of artificial neural networks, which were synthesized neural network algorithms for classification of images and simulation, which confirmed the effectiveness of the results.
Scientific novelty of the results. The original method of pattern recognition defects using NDT methods low, thus enhancing adaptability and automate the process of signal processing flaw.
The practical significance of the results. Software algorithms implemented automated determination of image defects using artificial neural networks.
The results of the thesis can be used in the development of ultrasonic nondestructive testing, which will be used for ultrasonic flaw detection in various industrial sectors.
Publications. The research results in the field thesis published in journals:
- Collection of Abstracts XV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Instrumentation: Status and Prospects", Kiev, 2016;
- Collection of abstracts VII n.-p. conference of students and graduate students "Looking to the future instrument", Kiev, 2015;
- Materials 7 International student scientific-technical conference "New development direction instrument-making" , Minsk, 2014h;
- Collection of abstracts 4-th Scientific Conference of students and young scientists "Methods and means of nondestructive testing of industrial equipment", Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013.
Keywords: nondestructive testing, acoustic testing, method of free oscillations, neural networks, pattern classification

Research advisor: prof. Halahan R.


АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021