This master's dissertation consists of 76 pages, 17 illustrations, 25 tables, 19 sources according to the list of references.

In the master's thesis the instruments, axle control systems, their comparison, and the choice of the method of the method of analysis were analyzed.
The characteristics of the automated non-destructive testing system, advantages and disadvantages are considered. An ultrasonic wheel axle control system was developed. A system is proposed that includes a mechanical block, a flaw detection unit, and a data processing unit. The defectoscopy unit consists of four channels of two transducers in each. The marketing component of the startup project is analyzed to determine the possibility of its implementation and possible market directions of implementation.

This master's dissertation consists of 83 pages, 36 illustrations, 23 tables.

In this master's thesis was developed Bluetooth indoor orientation system.

This topic is relevant today, since in the conditions of automation of production processes the same tendency occurs in non-destructive control, and for automatic or automated devices of non-destructive control, orientation systems in space are required.

System, proposed in this work, consists of modern software and hardware components. The hardware part is Bluetooth-beacons, based on the newest Bluetooth LE v4.0 devices, and any device equipped with a Bluetooth module can be a signal receiver. The software part performs the functions of measuring the distance to control points (beacons), calculating the coordinates of the object location, and filtering the data.

This master’s thesis consists of 60 pages, 24 illustrations, 24 tables, 10 formulas, 10 literary sources.

In the master’s thesis was carried out research of possibilities of creating a method of non-destructive testing using parameters of eddy current’s higher odd harmonics up to ninths.

Possible methods of signal analysis were investigated. The orthogonal method of analysis is proposed as primary algorithm. The mathematical model was created and used to investigate dependencies of measurement accuracy from signal parameters. After getting practical data, methods of statistical analysis were used to determine the type of used process.

The study found that orthogonal method of signal analysis demands particular characteristics from signal’s structure, which makes system’s plan more complicated. Statistical analysis shows that process of measurement has assignable cause, but it is not severe and methods of dealing with it were proposed.

The master's dissertation consists of the introduction and 6 sections, the conclusion and the list of used literature. The full volume is 69 pages, including 20 illustrations, 24 tables, 23 literary sources.

Actuality of theme. With every minute the world becomes all more automated. Quite soon he will grow into single integral CAS that gives an opportunity to guarantee quality of productive processes.

With development of the computing engineering the decision of certain row of tasks, facilitation and acceleration of implementation of work, and also upgrading of
result became possible.

Structure and volume of the master's dissertation

The master's thesis consists of an introduction, 5 chapters, a conclusion, a list of used sources of 25-titles, and contains 37 figures, 2 tables. The full volume of the master's dissertation is 89 pages, from which the list of used sources takes 3 pages.

Actuality of theme

Increasing the requirements for the quality of products, increasing the productivity of the main technological operations, the need to increase the informativity, reliability and obtaining an objective document of control have necessitated the automation and visualization of non-destructive testing. With manual control of preparatory operations, control, evaluation of defective areas, decoding of results, their registration and issuance of a conclusion is carried out by the operator. The quality of these operations depends largely on his qualifications, psycho-physiological state, integrity and environment. The greater the number of control operations will be mechanized and automated, the more objective data can be obtained about the quality of the product.

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021