The diploma project consists of 56 pages, 15 drawings, 9 literary sources.

In the diploma project the task of designing a ferrosonde flaw detector for control of the rail head was set and solved. The project provides calculations: the number of turns of the measuring winding, the total active and reactive power spent on the excitation of the ferroprobe. The graphic part of the diploma project shows a block diagram of a flaw detector made on an A3 sheet, a functional diagram on an A3 sheet, an assembly drawing of a ferroprobe on an A1 sheet, an electrical schematic on an A1 sheet, and a specification on an electrical schematic.

This diploma project consists of  51 pages, 21 illustrations, 95 formulas, 30 literature sources.

In the diploma project the eddy current device for monitoring of degradation of aluminum alloys in aircraft designs was developed. The level of degradation is determined by the value of the specific conductivity of the alloy. The device implements a phase measurement method, which is less sensitive to variations in the gap between the control object and the transducer. The structural, functional and schematic diagrams of the device, as well as the assembly drawing of the eddy current converter are developed.

Rangefinders have always been closely associated with non-destructive testing, as they helped to determine the distance to hard-to-reach OKs or those whose control is possible only at a distance.

The diploma project described the existing modern rangefinders, their types of action, analyzed the following rangefinders: ultrasonic, laser, optical and filament. A comparison of these rangefinders was performed, during which the main advantages and disadvantages of the skin were revealed.

The main task of this project is to develop an eddy current flaw detector made on the basis of a smartphone designed to diagnose conductive sheets. The device is designed for high-precision and prompt detection of defects in conductive sheets.

The first section of the diploma project was devoted to the main types of non-destructive testing, their advantages and disadvantages, the principles of eddy current converters and their main types, methods of location and connection. The second consists of an analysis of existing types of wireless communication, protocols. Their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The third consists of the calculations of the eddy current converter. The last, fourth section, consists of selecting the hardware of the device and calculating the existing major errors of the system elements.

The diploma project consists of 95 pages, 65 drawings, 14 literary sources.

The diploma project is a resolution and solution of problems of designing an ultrasonic flaw detector to control the crack of a metal object of control. The task of this project is to calculate acoustic and electroacoustic tractors for control of axles of wheel pairs of rail ground transport. The diploma project contains calculations of acoustic paths, geometric dimensions of control units (piezoelectric transducer and prism) taking into account the features of control, possible errors, probability of control and electrical elements. The graphic part of the diploma project presents the structural diagram of the sensor, made on a sheet of A4, functional diagram - on a sheet of A3, component drawing of the sensor - on a sheet of A1, electrical schematic - on a sheet of A1, and specification for electrical schematic.

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021