The thesis is devoted to the development and implementation of the microclimate monitoring system in basements. Basements are often used to store various materials and equipment, as well as as a room for household needs. However, due to the specifics of their design, they are prone to deterioration of the microclimate, which can damage the stored materials and negatively affect people's health.
In the first chapter, the relevance of the topic was considered, existing problems were identified and the concept of microclimate was described, including the necessary characteristics for maintaining optimal storage conditions.

In this project, a budget-friendly device for earthquake detection and a system for alerting relevant services via a bot in the Telegram messenger were developed. The first chapter analyzes modern earthquake detection tools, such as traditional seismometers, accelerometers, geophones, as well as early warning systems in various countries, including ShakeAlert (USA) and EEW (Japan). The second chapter is dedicated to the development of a budget device for earthquake detection and alerting safety authorities, including various operational algorithms. The third chapter examines the optimized casing for the device, which meets the requirements of our design. Additionally, various aspects of the impact of external conditions on the device's operation were considered, and solutions were proposed to enhance its resilience and reliability. The use of accessible and inexpensive components ensures the possibility of wide implementation of the development in different regions with high seismic activity, contributing to increased safety for the population.

The diploma project is dedicated to the development of a magnetometric system for the automated search for explosive ordnance (EOD). In the context of the growing need to improve the safety and efficiency of detecting explosive ordnance, such a system can become an important tool for protecting and demining territories. The project analyzes the principles of operation of magnetometer systems and existing solutions in this area. Different types of magnetometers, such as ferroelectric, optical, and quantum magnetometers, as well as data processing and analysis algorithms, are investigated.
Potential applications of the magnetometer system in the field of military security, civil defense, as well as for use in robotics and autonomous systems are considered. The main goal of the thesis project is to improve the magnetometric system by optimizing data processing and analysis algorithms, developing new types of sensors, and integrating them into the system. The possibility of expanding the functionality of the system, including additional measurement parameters and the possibility of wireless data transmission for rapid response, is also being considered.
The work consists of 90 pages (without appendices), 4 chapters, general conclusions, references, contains 1 table, 36 figures and 58 references.

Research advisor: V.Samborska


All Diploma Thesis

This diploma project is aimed at creating an ultrasonic thickness measurement system that integrates the functionality of smartphones. This allows to expand the system's functions and reduce hardware costs.
The first chapter analyzes in detail the different methods of ultrasonic thickness measurement of materials, their features, and comparison.
The second section is devoted to an overview of wireless data transmission technologies, with an emphasis on their properties and comparative analysis.
The third chapter outlines the process of selecting key components for a mobile ultrasonic thickness gauge based on a comparison with existing analogs. The development of the functional and schematic diagrams of the device, the creation of a basic electrical circuit, and the calculation of the main components of the electrical circuit are described.

This diploma project is dedicated to the development and enhancement of a hexapod robot aimed at increasing its operational autonomy. The primary objective of the research is to create a robotic platform capable of operating for extended periods without external intervention, thanks to improved energy systems and navigation algorithms. The project involves designing a robot with six legs to enhance stability and maneuverability, integrating solar panels for charging, and implementing energy-saving algorithms to reduce power consumption.

АСНК КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021